
Tuesday, September 11, 2012





THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL(Children of the slave trade)

Since the day the Nation of the 12 tribes of Israel freedom was attack in West Africa by the Ishmaelite’s Arab Muslims who sold us to the Gentile Christians (European-Caucasians) with the majority of the slave ship finance by the Edomites and Khazar’s (Impostor Jews) the Children of Jacob have been terrorize on all fronts physically, socially, economically, sexually, Psychologically , and
spiritually. The Israelite holocaust of slavery in the Americas was the greatest crime against humanity in the history of the world therefore, the 12 tribes of Nation of Israel is committed to honoring our father and mother (Ancestors) for the sacrifices for freedom they made for us.  Furthermore, we understand that those of us who remain ignorant or ignore their history and fail to learn the evil lesson from it maybe doom to reap it.   

          The most violent incident of the slave resistance of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 in a quest for freedom occurred near Christiana Pennsylvania.  That morning, the enemy of freedom a Maryland slave-owner Edward Gorsuch, six of his relatives, and the U.S. Marshal bearing federal warrants arrived at the tiny Quaker village of Christiana and surrounded the house of William Park a local farmer (descendant of slaves).

          The enemies of freedom demanded the surrender of Nelson Ford and Joshua Hammond two runaway slaves (Children of Jacob) from the Gorsuch farm in 1849 and were hiding inside the Parker home.  Parker’s wife blew the trumpet and dozens of neighbors-both Israelites (Descendant of slaves) and Gentiles (European-Caucasians) responded. Two Quakers advised the enemies of freedom to retreat, but Gorush refused, declaring, “My property I will have or I’ll breakfast in hell.”  After a heated verbal exchange shots were fired and when the confusion subsided, Gorsush lay dead and three members of his party were nursing serious wounds.

          The affair quickly assumed national attention and importance. The Southern newspapers and the abolitionist press waged a fierce propaganda battle, each attempting to use the incident to sway public opinion.  The enemies of freedom viewed the defenders of freedom as a breach of Southern property rights under the U.S. Constitution and saw the abolitionist provocation as the cause.  However, the defenders of freedom blamed the slave holding interests and cast William Parker and the friends of freedom in the freedom-loving tradition of the heroes of the American Revolution.

          Fearing political repercussions, President Millard Fillmore dispatched a company of U.S Marines and some 40 Philadelphia policemen in Christiana to apprehend those involved. Nearly forty Israelites (Descendant of slaves) and six Gentiles (European-Caucasians) some with unsubstantiated links to the incident were arrested. But the five Israelite’s who were most responsible for Gorsuch’s death-including Parker, Ford, and Hammond escaped to Canada West (now Ontario) where request for their extradition went unheeded.

          Federal prosecutors sought to make examples of the defenders of freedom and charge them with treason.  A grand jury indicted and imprisoned 36 Israelite’s (descendant of slaves) and two Gentiles (European-Caucasians) until they could be tried before the U.S. circuit court in Philadelphia.  The trial of Castner Hanway (Gentile Caucasian) miller was alleged to have directed the freedom fighters in their attack on the terrorist of freedom, became the test case upon which the fate of the thirty-seven rested. Therefore, Hanway trial convened on the second floor of “Independence Hall,” prove to show the weakness of the Government case.  The evidence or lack thereof proved to be insufficient to substantiate the charges and Hanway was acquitted. The prosecution waived all remaining indictments and all the friends of freedom were free.  

          The occurrence at Christiana Pennsylvania polarized public opinion about the law.  Slave-holder Southerners were outraged that none of the friends of freedom was convicted and sympathy for Abolitionist increase when the federal government made efforts to prosecute the defenders of freedom in the land of the free.

The episode at Christiana, and its aftermath, would demonstrate how problematic it would be enforcing the “Fugitive Slave Act,” how morally retarded and corrupt America founders were, set the course for the Civil War, and why America would eventually become a dysfunctional nation as we are currently witnessing today.

All this happen on September 11, 1851

Honoring and remembering the 151Th anniversary of our Israelite (Biblical) holocaust slavery and their friends of freedom in Christiana Pennsylvania & the Americas

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