
Tuesday, January 2, 2018


BYWORD education: Did you see CNN NEWS national broadcast "Who Is Black In America?

BYWORD education: My book has a chapter on CNN News Black In America? You should purchase my book and watch the CNN NEWS Who Is Black in American

BYWORD education: CNN News Who Is Black In America had several underlining messages: 1 It was mocking the Black People. How? It showcases all these so-called Black people including those with college degrees who could NOT articulate their national identity thus showcasing to the world how STUPID the so-called Black man in America is.

BYWORD education: CNN News Who Is Black in America: For example the show featured a so-called Dominican brother who stated When people ask him if he Black it refers to African-American and he's does not consider himself African-American although he's a descendant of slave who was ship to the Caribbean island. His statement highlights the horrific effects of mis-education rooted in our Israelite holocaust of slavery.

BYWORD education: CNN News Who Is Black In America: Another underlining message from the show is RACIAL CONFUSION. After watching the show most people will probably become more confused. The show promoted CONFUSION to keep the so-called Negroes confused. If CNN News wanted to promote racial healing they would have invited an Israelite like me to come to the show to break it down however they would not dare because the impostors calling themselves JEWISH is reported to own and control CNN News and most of the American media according to Dr. David "KKK" Duke. 

BYWORD education: CNN News Who Is Black In America: This broadcast is attempt to change the definition of race or nationality and the ongoing racist psychological attacks on so-called Black people by the wicked LGBT (an organization controlled and promoted by the wicked Edomite's Jewish impostors) to group and trivialize our 400 years of Israelite holocaust of slavery lynching, murders, rape, discrimination with their wicked agenda because it feature a segment asking people to racially define themselves and one of the of word was GAY What the hell does being a FAG has to do with Who Is Black In America? Who redefine the word Gay? The Bible states these people are SODMITES who the God of Israel KILLED by FIRE and is an Abomination according to the supreme LAWS OF ALMIGHTY GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and his Christ.

BYWORD education: CNN News Who Is Black in America underlining message in my opinion is nothing more than the American elites in power (The Edomites Jewish impostors) showcasing how GREAT a job they did in making most of the so-called Black man dumb and dumber it was MOCKING the ignorance of the so-called Black man that could NOT articulate his IDENTITY, history, culture, contributions, and his holocaust of slavery this is a disgrace to our ancestors who was lynched, burned, rape, had dogs attack on them, 4 little beautiful black girls who died in the Alabama bombing etc.

BYWORD education: The good news is my book BYWORD beautifully counters the enemies of Christ Israelite's, freedom, justice, healing, and truth the book exposes CNN News hidden wicked agenda however unfortunately if you want to hide something from BLACK FOLKS put it in the book nevertheless that's NOT my problem. The God of Israel instructed me to write this book for my people and I completed the work thus if you so-called Negroes do NOT STOP you NIGGERISH and wicked behavior and refuse to read books of knowledge and wisdom, and reject knowledge and REPENT to keep the 10 Commandments

BYWORD education provides us with the knowledge we deserve to empower us to make the American brand of racism non-effective. 
